Monday, December 7, 2015

Rise and Rally

Oh, cancer, you are persistent.
        You attack, young and old alike.
Yes, the list is long of those you have taken.
        But know this,
We rise and rally against you.
With candles and ribbons and tears,
        we stand in memory of those who have fought.
With prayers and science and hands held together,
        we stand by those who face the battle now.
With laughter and hugs and thankfulness,
        we stand with the survivors who are the veterans.
These Heroes All,
have shown us pain, frustration and fear.
But more than that, they have shown us
        the strength of faith,
the grin and grit of courage,
the gleam of hope,
the restfulness of peace
and the unconquered soul
that leads us to
Rise and Rally.


Unknown said...

This made me cry, Sura. It's beautiful.

Unknown said...

What a great poem Chris.